All News from ProteoToul
MetaboHUB and ProFI Joint Day
The MetaboHUB and ProFI national infrastructures are organizing a joint day in Toulouse on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. During the...
Workshop on Quantitative Proteomics 2024
ProFI organizes a new edition of the CNRS workshop (Ecole Thématique, held in French) in quantitative proteomics with a focus...
Welcome to ProFI’s new nodes !
Following the final decision of our Institutional Committee on September 20th 2023, we are delighted to announce that three new...
timsTOF SCP mass spectrometer installed at ProteoToul
Thanks to the REACT-EU OCSSIGEN projet (Région Occitanie, FEDER funds), ProteoToul has acquired a high sensitivity timsTOF SCP mass spectrometer...
Carole Pichereaux : l’expertise en protéomique
En 2023, il y aura 20 ans que Carole Pichereaux exerce à la Fédération ses talents de protéomicienne. Ce néologisme...
MaxQuant Summer School
At the beginning of September the 13th International Summer School on Computational Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics was held in Barcelona. Two...
Understanding how T lymphocytes discriminate between antigens of varying affinities
T lymphocytes are essential cells of the immune system, and have the ability to sense a wide range of antigenic...
Julien Marcoux’s HDR
Structural Mass Spectrometry of membrane proteins and large protein complexes Building on his expertise acquired around the concept of Structural...
Pascaline Bories’s PhD defensis
In cellulo targeting of protein-protein interactions within Mycobacterium tuberculosis FAS-II complex: an innovating approach for new TB drugs Responsible for...
The spermatoproteasome: a key enzymatic complex in spermatogenesis
The spermatoproteasome is found exclusively in mammalian germ cells and is essential for spermatogenesis. It differs from the constitutive proteasome...
Deciphering the proximal TCR signaling network in mice and humans
T lymphocytes are essential cells of the immune system, that specifically recognize a wide range of pathogens, but also malignant...
Refeyn Mass Photometer Acquisition
We recently acquired a mass photometer from Refeyn Ltd. to measure the molecular weight (MW) of single protein and protein...
HDX-MS describes different catalytic conformations of an ABC transporter involved in multidrug resistance
The emergence of antibiotic resistant “superbugs” is a real threat for our society and ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporters is...
Julien Marcoux is awarded a grant from the France-Arizona Institute for Global Grand Challenges
Pore-forming peptides are natural and highly effective molecular weapons used by a wide range of organisms, including human cells (A),...
Analyses protéomiques quantitatives : Choix de méthodes et analyses des données
Annonce de l’ouverture des inscriptions pour la prochaine école thématique du CNRS sur le thème des analyses protéomiques quantitatives avec...
Conformational maps of human 20S proteasomes reveal PA28- and immuno-dependent inter-ring crosstalks
HDX-MS—based study of the differences between the conformational dynamics of standard and i20s reveals specific, allosteric changes in i20S and...
Intramolecular dialogue within the human proteasome
The proteasome is a proteolytic machinery allowing the recycling of intracellular proteins. Its deregulation has been associated with various neurodegenerative...
Inserm Workshop 262: Mass Spectrometry for Structural Biology
This workshop will present the fundamental and applied aspects of Mass Spectrometry-based structural techniques, as well as data analysis procedures....
Proline: an efficient and user-friendly software suite for large-scale proteomics
We are pleased and very proud to announce the publication of Proline in Bioinformatics. Motivation The proteomics field requires the...
HDX-Viewer: interactive 3D visualization of hydrogen-deuterium exchange data
Bouyssié D, Lesne J, Locard-Paulet M, Albigot R, Burlet-Schiltz O, Marcoux J. Bioinformatics. 2019 Jul 9. pii: btz550. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz550....