Team Leader

Odile Schiltz

CNRS Research Director in Biochemistry


François Amalric

University of Toulouse Emeritus Professor
in Molecular Biology

Marie-Pierre Bousquet-Dubouch

University of Toulouse Associate Professor
in Biochemistry

Manuelle Ducoux-Petit

University of Toulouse Associate Professor
in Biochemistry

Anne Gonzalez de Peredo

CNRS Research Associate
in Biochemistry

Christel Moog-Lutz

University of Toulouse Professor
in Cell Biology

Julien Marcoux

CNRS Research Associate
in Structural Mass Spectrometry

Engineers in Biochemistry and Mass Spectrometry

Karima Chaoui

CNRS Engineer

Carine Froment

CNRS Engineer

Marlène Marcellin

CNRS Engineer

Carole Pichereaux

CNRS Enginee

Alexandre Stella

CNRS Engineer

Etienne Bancal

CNRS Engineer (Fixed-term Contract)

Marion Beaupère

CNRS Engineer (Fixed-term Contract)

Computational Proteomics

Renaud Albigot

IT Infrastructure (CNRS)

David Bouyssié

Computational Bioinformatics applied to Software Development (CNRS)

Emmanuelle Mouton

Data Analysis (University of Toulouse)

Marie Locard-Paulet

Functional Analysis Research (CNRS)

Postdoctoral Fellows and P.H. Students

Rim Abderrahim

ANR DECIR-TB Fellowship

Pinar Altiner

ITN PROTrEIN Fellowship

Amélie Bosc-Rosati

ANR PA200 Fellowship

Angelique Dafun

ANR ProteasoRegMS Fellowship

Paulo Espirito-Santo

INCa Oncorib Fellowship

Maurine Meunier

ANR PA200 Fellowship

Ronald Siaden-Ortega

France-Arizona Institute Fellowship

Zoltán Udvardy

ITN PROTrEIN Fellowship