Team Leader Odile SchiltzCNRS Research Director in Biochemistry Researchers François AmalricUniversity of Toulouse Emeritus Professor in Molecular Biology Marie-Pierre BousquetUniversity of Toulouse Professor in Biochemistry Manuelle Ducoux-PetitUniversity of Toulouse Associate Professor in Biochemistry Anne Gonzalez de PeredoCNRS Research Associate in Biochemistry Julien MarcouxCNRS Research Director in Structural Mass Spectrometry Engineers in Biochemistry and Mass Spectrometry Karima ChaouiCNRS Engineer Carine FromentCNRS Engineer Carole PichereauxCNRS Engineer Alexandre StellaCNRS Engineer Etienne BancalCNRS Engineer (Fixed-term Contract) Marion BeaupèreCNRS Engineer (Fixed-term Contract) Edith VidalCNRS Engineer (Fixed-term Contract) Computational Proteomics Renaud AlbigotIT Infrastructure (CNRS) David BouyssiéComputational Bioinformatics applied to Software Development (CNRS) Emmanuelle MoutonData Analysis (University of Toulouse) Marie Locard-PauletFunctional Analysis Research (CNRS) Postdoctoral Fellows and P.H. Students Pinar AltinerITN PROTrEIN Fellowship Amélie Bosc-RosatiANR PA200 Fellowship Angelique DafunANR ProteasoRegMS Fellowship Paulo Espirito-SantoINCa Oncorib Fellowship Maurine MarteauANR PA200 Fellowship Ronald Siaden-OrtegaFrance-Arizona Institute Fellowship Zoltán UdvardyITN PROTrEIN Fellowship